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Google Chrome extensions for developers
A list of developer related extensions for Chrome, such as "SpeedTracer", "Inline Code Finder", and the beloved "Web developer" extension.
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30 Unique Logo Designs That Actually Say Something
Today, we focused on logos that use creative methods to represent the brand through color, shapes, and typography.
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12 Useful Web Based Twitter Tools!
Third party Twitter applications that are both useful and fun.
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35 downloadable Icon sets of 2010
A nice round up of some new 2010 icons, covering RSS, social media, and office related icons.
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21 Easy To Customize Premium PHP Contact Forms
A look at 21 premium commercial PHP forms- sign-up forms, advanced contact forms powered with Ajax, jQuery, e-mail signup forms, file uploads and much more.
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10 Javascript Techniques Using Pure CSS Styling
10 Impressive techniques using pure CSS styling to create simple and interactive website without using Javascript at all.
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10 Massively Popular Websites with Plain and Simple Designs
Each of these are ranked among the 200 most popular sites in the world, according to Alexa.
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Image Bubbles using CSS3 transform and transitions
The following uses CSS3's transform and transition properties to create images that bubble up and enlarge when the mouse rolls over them.
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Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation
A comprehensive introduction to CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation. Worth a read.
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Book: HTML5 for Web Designers
"A Book Apart" publishes its first book with Jeremy Keith's "HTM5 for Web Designers".Looks like an interesting book.